2165 Defense Highway, Crofton, MD


Who Can Benefit From an Adjustable Bed?

Adjustable bed

An adjustable bed may be able to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Most Americans have spent the majority of their lives sleeping on a flat mattress. While this is the cultural norm, it can not always be the best for your back, depending on a number of factors. This is because the human body has contours and curves that a strictly flatbed cannot always perfectly support. Our spines are S-shaped and our legs have distinctive curves. When we lay on a flatbed night after night all of these curves are not supported, which can leave our muscles tense and strained. There are numerous benefits to an adjustable bed. Discover them below.  

The Lifestyle Benefits of an Adjustable Mattress

If you like to read in bed, an adjustable mattress will benefit you greatly. While these beds are more commonly seen in hospitals, one does not have to be sick or injured to experience the convenience and comfort of their very own adjustable mattress. They allow you to read, study, use your laptop, play video games, and more while perfectly supported in the comfort of your own bed. This can benefit your back, shoulders, neck, and entire body.  

The Health Benefits of an Adjustable Mattress

Ergonomic moveable beds can actually help to alleviate a number of health problems. If your flat mattress is not supporting you enough and you experience any of these chronic conditions you may want to make the switch. Some of these conditions have either long-term negative effects or can be simply painful and unpleasant in the present. These include heartburn, sleep apnea, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), acid reflux, and snoring. An adjustable mattress can also help to provide relief from edema, poor blood circulation in the legs, low back pain, and the symptoms of a hiatal hernia.

Choose the Right Adjustable Bed For You At All American Mattress

At All American Mattress, we have the expertise and great prices to help you choose the perfect big kid mattress for your growing toddler. We have mattresses available made from a variety of materials to suit your toddler’s needs, whatever they are. Stop by our showroom, visit us online, or give us a call at (410) 451-9006 to see how we can get your toddler sleeping through the night. We offer brand names at affordable prices and we will always work hard to keep your whole family comfortable. For more mattress shopping tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.